Week 3 and October is upon us!
So I've been concentrating on still-life this week and it's been an interesting experience. In the process I've managed to get severe rug burn (that still has not healed and looks like it's gonna stick around for a bit) and completely trash my room
So my pepper project took an ugly turn, basically, but in the end worked out well and I'm gonna go ahead and say that while I wasn't thrilled by the project at first, I like how it has turned out...and can only hope against hope that I can continue to like what I do.
Enough nonsense, on with the show:

Okay, right...
So I'm not entirely sure how this happened...but I am evidently a clandestine pepper worshiper...which is weird because I don't even like peppers...not big ones, at least (I have always been a fan of Dr.Pepper...I wonder...)
But, apparently deep down inside I worship the pepper.
I took a lot of photos during this shoot. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. I don't know how long I was shooting but when I came out of my photo trance my room was trashed and I had taken five million pepper photos (glory be to the almighty Pepper)
I had started just with the peppers. And I was not feeling it...at all. There was something missing. On a whim I grabbed my desktop mirror and threw it onto the set. And then (one hour later...) I came too and everything in my room had been rearranged (by my frantic hands trying to move the table into the right light or against the right background or what not) and I had a whole bunch of photos glorifying peppers.
As my friend looked through them, she kind of scoffed and I asked her what was funny. In a number of photos I had balanced the peppers on top of the mirror and shot from below it and she said "It looks like you've put the peppers up on a pedestal"
So these are my photos of the week. Honestly, I don't know when these peppers became so vain but throw a mirror in front of one and snap some photos and they suddenly think they're the shit. Granted, they are pretty hot stuff (geddit?? peppers...hot stuff?) but that is besides the point. I think the mirror was a good choice. I liked these two photos in particular. Peppers have really great colors to work with, especially nice fresh peppers and these peppers were beautiful models to work with. Their inner beauty really shone through their malformed bodies...I mean, the peppers I bought were pretty deformed but these babies were still photogenic.
I like the photos for their colors, the shine on the peppers and the absolute ridiculousness of the mirror, whose focus rests solely on these peppers. I like in the top one the way the mirror is tilted down on them, almost like it's alive and watching them, like they've captured the mirror's attention. The second one I liked because it really isolated one of the peppers and I'm a big fan of shooting things up close and personal...which is one reason I suspect I have trouble shooting people, I'm timid and don't like invading people's personal spaces.
In case you haven't noticed, I like giving inanimate objects a loooot of credit and personality...*see week one post* but I think the Brave Little Toaster really struck a chord with me when I was a child and therefore all inanimate things, to me at least, have some life behind them.
Once again, I've gone way overboard in my writings. I get carried away (mostly because I don't talk much in person, I'm awkward like that, I'm sorry).
I'll leave you with that.
I sat in a darkened room, with just a mere crack of light coming from a slightly opened door, but flooding revolations on end about peppers....yeah, really "hot stuff" about peppers. I could go on, but seems you have covered most of the ground. Wicked cool.
first of all your blog is a blast to read.
second I am so pleased to hear you have been experiencing the all encompassing photo-trance. It is an experience isn't it?
I just love these images and I can't wait for more self aware vegetation.
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