Week 4!
First things first, a very very happy birthday to Mr. P'tchertaker aka Frank
I hope it is filled with ooey gooey wonderful photo-related awesomeness...
and tequila, you like tequila, right?
Now, to the photos!
I should forewarn, I'm on two hours of sleep, a three hour genocide class and an hour long car ride
Grumpiness may ensue
No photo-related injuries this week and my room seems to have made it through relatively unscathed. I did burn my hand on the frickin heat lamp in the caf though so now I'm flying high on rug burn, curling iron burn and heating lamp burn.
I'm having heat issues
But I digress.
Back to my ridiculous inanimate object photographs
(and a real live person photo too! Just to shake things up a bit)
First things first. I was shooting something, god knows what
I had my lovely little old creepy lamp out on the floor, focused intently on the scene.
And the poor dear caught my eye.
Always the light source, never the subject of my attention
Poor baby sat there, doing his job as usual, curiously regarding the subjects
Not a single complaint, not one.
My shy little lamp just sat there quietly,
just watching,
hoping maybe one of the models might approach him and make friends after the shoot
He just wants a friend
Poor lonely fool
I'm overly sympathetic towards inanimate objects, truly I am
I felt bad throwing out this toy horse I never used when I was a kid
I pictured it sitting in a trash heap all alone with a single tear running down his cheek
I think that horse is still in my attic
Is this just me making excuses for my pack-rat tendencies?
Back on point,
I felt bad for my lamp
So I allowed him the spotlight
He peered curiously over at the telephone for some time for me, barely daring to inch closer
and I snapped away:

I think I made him a friend
I hope I did.
First things first, a very very happy birthday to Mr. P'tchertaker aka Frank
I hope it is filled with ooey gooey wonderful photo-related awesomeness...
and tequila, you like tequila, right?
Now, to the photos!
I should forewarn, I'm on two hours of sleep, a three hour genocide class and an hour long car ride
Grumpiness may ensue
No photo-related injuries this week and my room seems to have made it through relatively unscathed. I did burn my hand on the frickin heat lamp in the caf though so now I'm flying high on rug burn, curling iron burn and heating lamp burn.
I'm having heat issues
But I digress.
Back to my ridiculous inanimate object photographs
(and a real live person photo too! Just to shake things up a bit)
First things first. I was shooting something, god knows what
I had my lovely little old creepy lamp out on the floor, focused intently on the scene.
And the poor dear caught my eye.
Always the light source, never the subject of my attention
Poor baby sat there, doing his job as usual, curiously regarding the subjects
Not a single complaint, not one.
My shy little lamp just sat there quietly,
just watching,
hoping maybe one of the models might approach him and make friends after the shoot
He just wants a friend
Poor lonely fool
I'm overly sympathetic towards inanimate objects, truly I am
I felt bad throwing out this toy horse I never used when I was a kid
I pictured it sitting in a trash heap all alone with a single tear running down his cheek
I think that horse is still in my attic
Is this just me making excuses for my pack-rat tendencies?
Back on point,
I felt bad for my lamp
So I allowed him the spotlight
He peered curiously over at the telephone for some time for me, barely daring to inch closer
and I snapped away:

I think I made him a friend
I hope I did.
I feel like you can feel the personality of the lamp, I hope you can, that's all I want...
Just for people to feel the same tug at their heartstrings that I do with inanimate objects
If you've never watched the Brave Little Toaster do so immediately
I mentioned it last post but...
It will change your life
Just for people to feel the same tug at their heartstrings that I do with inanimate objects
If you've never watched the Brave Little Toaster do so immediately
I mentioned it last post but...
It will change your life
Now for a little more vibrant picture
( color-wise I mean, I do like the subdued nature of the lamp photo but I like color)
This was my fall photo.
My friend Beth was kind enough to pose for me, her coat was just too fall-y for me not to use her for my fall photo.
I desaturated the photo a bit and cropped some of the right side down since critique
It was a little too saturated, I thought so too.
Now it might be too desaturated, I can't tell
A little less bench is helping I think
I liked what someone (Anna maybe?) said about liking the empty bench space making her seem more lonely
Honestly, I'm not crazy about fall
Fall makes me feel kinda bleh
So I didn't want a crazy, having fun playing in leaves kind of fall photo.
I think the big, lonely, dull bench
and the model's expression and body language accurately express my feelings about fall
Contemplative, lonely.
Dead leaves gathered on the ground around her
Fall is lonely

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