Taken September 7th, 2008
Holland, Massachusetts
Okay, now to explain the photo and why I chose it.
I was at my Aunt's house and she has this absolutely gorgeous garden,
seriously, gorgeous.
My aunt also has a lot of creepy antique things all over her house.
It really is a cute style and fits her really well...
but when I was a kid that shit freaked me out, man!
She had all these dolls lining the stairs and a lot of creepy, puppety things...
Maybe my memory is getting a little imaginative but I swear she had really freaky stuff.
So when I was in the garden taking photographs of flowers (as I have a tendency to do, flowers are awesome),
I turn around and find myself looking down on these little freaks
Now, I'm sure these guys were adorable at some point in their lives,
but being exposed to the elements will take it's toll on you
Poor babies, bleached out by the sun and washed out by the rain
When my friend's first reaction to seeing this photo was exactly the same as mine was when I finally took a good look at it ("Whooooooa, that is so creepy"),
I knew I wanted to use it for my first blog.
I think old, neglected things are kind of fun to photograph,
not that these babes were neglected,
they just kind of got worn out.
I like seeing nature's affect on man-made things.
I also liked that I've walked in that garden at least a thousand times
and never ever noticed them before.
Something can be right in front of you and you just don't process it
(that's why I like taking photographs, you start noticing the interesting things/people/places around you)
Okay, I might have gotten carried away talking about the photo,
not even about the photo..
.more about what the photo made me think of
In terms of the photo, I liked this one best of the photos I did for my contact sheet.
I love the green grass
I like their placement
and I love their freaky little faces
Even though this was one of the few shots I took of them,
I like it better than the photos of the subjects I took a lot of.
Funny how that works out.
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